Thursday, October 28, 2010

Retreat Blog Post

1. What did the retreat mean to me?

I think that the retreat was a way of letting all of us kids bond. I feel that that goal was achieved, and that now I am not only closer to a lot more people in my grade, but also was able to get to know a lot of people in the grades above me. 

2. What did I learn about myself?

I learnt how to do archery.

3. What connections to science or math etc. did I find, or hear, or make, with any experience I had?

I made a connection to mutations when we were learning about sturgeons. We learnt that the sturgeons mutate in a way to blend in to their surroundings. We learnt about a case where some sturgeons mutated into logs, and when they said mutated, i thought of mutations.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Human Genome Project Video - 3D Animation Introduction

Here is a link to the you tube video:

If anyone knows how to post the actual video on my blog, please tell me.

Definition of P-M-A-T

Prophase - the nuclear envelope disappears and replicated chromosomes coil into X shaped        chromosomes.

Metaphase - the tugging of the spindle fibres pulls the chromosomes into a single line across the middle of the cell.

Anaphase - the spindle fibres begin to contract and shorten. This action pulls the centromere apart, allowing the sister chromatids to move to opposite pole of the cell. Once they separate, each sister chromatin is considered a chromosome.

Telophase - final stage of mitosis. One complete set of chromosomes stand at each pole of the cell. The spindle fibres begin to disappear, and a nuclear membrane forms around each chromosome. Now there are two nuclei on one cell. The cell is ready to divide.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 made up science questions with answers

Q1) What is a chromosome made up of? 

Q2) How many chromosomes are there in one human cell? 
A: 46 or 23 pairs

Q3) What organelle makes protein? 
A: Ribosomes

Q4) a) How would the bases, A, C, G and T be paired in DNA? 
A: A - T  C - G
      b) If ATTGTCACCTG was the sequence of one side of a part of DNA, what would the other side be? 

Q5) Fill in the blank:
______ carries the information to make protein from the DNA to the ribosomes.

By Mikaela (and Leora)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mutation question answers for TB9 pg. 145

 1. It is important to protect the black Kermode bears, because black bears can carry the mutation gene for the Spirit bear.

     2. a) G is substituting for the C
         b) A is missing at the end of the sequence
         c) There is an extra G in the sequence

     3.   Positive, neutral and negative mutations.

     4.   For a whale, instead of having a blow whole on its face (nose) from a long time ago, now it has it on the top of its head. The whale adapted to its environment over time.

     5.   The mutation is bad. The cell is half of what it was before. It is a negative mutation.

     6.   Because having black or white fur does not affect the bear.

     7.   It could be a neutral or a negative mutation. For example, you have a hand, and a certain letter was taken away from the sequence of the protein, the hand won’t work.

     8.   The purpose is to replace a defective gene with a copy of the same gene to attempt to restore function.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to get to BC Science 8 + 9 online

1. BC Science 8 Home Version -
2. BC Science 9 Home Version -
2. Click "click here to access Home Version Ebook"
3. Username: HA44. Password: SC44.