Thursday, October 28, 2010

Retreat Blog Post

1. What did the retreat mean to me?

I think that the retreat was a way of letting all of us kids bond. I feel that that goal was achieved, and that now I am not only closer to a lot more people in my grade, but also was able to get to know a lot of people in the grades above me. 

2. What did I learn about myself?

I learnt how to do archery.

3. What connections to science or math etc. did I find, or hear, or make, with any experience I had?

I made a connection to mutations when we were learning about sturgeons. We learnt that the sturgeons mutate in a way to blend in to their surroundings. We learnt about a case where some sturgeons mutated into logs, and when they said mutated, i thought of mutations.

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